All About Choosing and Caring For Shih Tzu Puppies
Shih Tzu Puppies Farm is a local institution that provides a healthy environment for Shih Tzu puppies. They are well taken care of there and the surroundings are as peaceful as possible. Here, the owners not only train their dogs, they also give them proper vaccinations and check them up on a regular basis.
Most of the puppies at Shih Tzu Puppies Farm have pedigrees already. The breeders take special care in making sure that the dam and sire are both purebred. The dam is usually from a local area, so her ancestors' characteristics can be readily found. The sire on the other hand might come from an unknown lineage. Thus, each breed has someone that knows it best.
You will also notice that the puppies that are brought to Shih Tzu Puppies Farm have been socialized from the moment they were born. This is done by crate training, play time and other methods that make them realize that they are supposed to be part of a social group. They also get taught how to behave properly around people. Breeding dogs is also a great way to create more Shih Tzu Puppies Farm residents. Since breeding does not really take much time, the breeder is assured of producing plenty of healthy dogs.
The Shih Tzu breed requires a lot of attention. Because they are very active and curious animals, they also have a tendency to be sensitive when it comes to their surroundings. Thus, when living with other dogs, the breeder will have to make sure that the Shih Tzu is kept away from other breed of dogs such as Dobermans and German Shepherds. Crate training is also necessary for this breed since they tend to become restless when their space is invaded. The environment and behavior of these dogs should be properly taken care of by the breeder.
To avoid problems later on, the breeder will also have to make sure that the Shih Tzu puppies he is selling are healthy and free from any diseases. A healthy puppy is less susceptible to diseases, since he will be in good physical condition at birth. Pregnant female dogs may also suffer from health problems, but the puppies will easily succumb to illnesses given time. When breeding dogs, it is essential to see to it that the dam does not get pregnant again after giving birth, otherwise, the puppies will be vulnerable to diseases. In most cases, the breeders do not have problems with this, but there are also a few cases where the dam refuses to breed even with the help of a Shih Tzu breeder.
It is also possible that some of the puppies will display personality differences from each other. This happens especially when two distinct types of Shih Tzu puppies are bred. It is usually the case when the parents have different bloodlines (i.e. the Shih Tzu breeders have Shih Tzu blood while the pet shop owners may have Shih Tzu mixed blood). In such cases, the vet should be consulted, as well as the prospective owner to confirm whether or not the personality differences are caused by genetics or by early morning socialization.
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